Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Morning in the Pioneers

I went for a ride along the scenic by-way that cuts through the Pioneer Mountains this morning, and made a few stops to take pictures.  The day started overcast, as you can see above, but eventually the sun started poking out now and again.  Here are some of the shots I took- I played around with a couple of these in Photoshop, which accounts for the somewhat Kodachrome-y effect.


  1. These look really nice! Would love to see this if we come out =)
    Lil' Sis

  2. Lovely, John!! Is that fall foliage I see in picture # 5. It must have been a beautiful drive for you. Mom

  3. Mom, I don't know if its fall foliage, or just the results of a dry summer. But it looks good in either case. Dr. John
