Saturday, March 30, 2019

Photo of the Day

Sioux Falls, 2014

My Favorite Painting, Today

Charles White, Goodnight Irene 1952

Art Lovers

Or anyway, people that I photographed in and around the Los Angeles County Museum of Art earlier this month.  Art galleries and museums are some o my favorite places to wander around, with or without the camera-- but it's usually more fun with the camera because I can later relive the experience at least somewhat.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Photo of the Day

Natural Abstract, 2018

My Favorite Mark Twain Quote, Today

"The kingly office is entitled to no respect. 
It was originally procured by the highwayman's 
methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can 
never be anything but the symbol of a crime."

Yet More From Huntington Gardens

When I travel (as I did earlier this month to southern California) I tend to make a lot of pictures-- several thousand on this latest vacation. It then takes me weeks to actually go back and review everything I collected, which is why the results are spread out over time here on the blog.  Also, I tend to jump around from day to day in conducting those reviews-- I'm actually still in the process of reviewing photos from as far back as last June (my last visit to New York City), because I prefer to mix things up a bit in my daily processing efforts.  Anyway, I probably have another couple of posts from the Huntington, but they may still come out a week or so from now. Since I've gotten more feedback on these than anything else recently posted, I just wanted to give you a heads-up that there is more on the way.